23 septembre 2021

Ordbogen A/S and Diction ApS enter a cooperation agreement

September 2021

Ordbogen A/S and Diction ApS enter a cooperation agreement

The ability to communicate correctly is more important than ever. Today, people communicate across borders and cultures, and the need for professional translation has thus never been greater. Dictionary publisher Ordbogen A/S and Diction ApS have entered into a collaboration agreement in order to meet growing needs and demand. Going forward, it will be possible to order translations via Ordbogen.com – quickly and in multiple languages.

Innovative technology with costumer focus

Ordbogen A/S and Diction ApS are both known as innovative companies within language and technology – a background which will now be used to develop the perfect solution for the customer, regardless of whether you are a large or small company and operating on one or several markets. The agreement means that Ordbogen’s customers will be able to order professional translations through Ordbogen directly. The translations which the customer receives will be ready for immediate use.

“For Diction, it is evident that Ordbogen holds many of the same values that we hold ourselves. We are both technology companies which have been able to grow due to our approach to customer-oriented solutions. In view of this, a strategic collaboration makes great sense, and we look forward to creating even better solutions in the future in collaboration with our customers and with Ordbogen.com.”

Martin Boberg – CEO, Diction ApS

At Ordbogen A/S, the collaboration brings joy as well.

“It has always been a goal for us to create the ultimate translation flow. Our collaboration with Diction, the development of Write Assistant and the content of our dictionaries allow us to do just that. The future is dictionary consultation, translation and an undisturbed writing flow, all on Ordbogen.com's platform and all in real-time. It will be an exciting journey for both Ordbogen, Diction and especially for our users, who will experience completely new ways of working with translation,” explains Ordbogen's CEO, Peter Revsbech.

About Diction ApS

Diction ApS is one of Denmark's fastest growing translation agencies and provides translation to more than 4,000 business customers in Denmark, Sweden and Norway. Diction has 11 employees working in Copenhagen and collaborates with over 2000 freelance translators.

About Ordbogen A/S

Ordbogen A/S is a high-tech IT company which has won eight prestigious Gazelle Awards (which are given to fast-growing companies in Denmark). In total, Ordbogen has just over 100 employees across Denmark, Spain and Egypt. Ordbogen A/S has more than 100 digital dictionaries and more than one million searches are made each day.

More information:

CEO, Martin Boberg, Diction, Tel: +45 22272868, e-mail: [email protected]

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Diction ApS
Gammeltorv 6, 3. étage
1457 Copenhague K
+45 2227 7016
Numéro d’identification: 35636455
EAN: 5797200064202