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MetroXpress - Det er cool at være iværksætter i Danmark


"Det er cool at være iværksætter i Danmark"

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27. september 2023

The translation agency Diction ApS has acquired Korrekturselskabet ApS, a company that specialises in providing proofreading services to business and private customers via two websites: www.studiekorrektur.dk for students and www.erhvervskorrektur.dk for businesses. This marks a redoubling of Diction’s expertise within proofreading and an expansion of the language services they are able to offer their customers. The translation agency Diction ApS has acquired Korrekturselskabet ApS, a company that specialises in providing proofreading services to business and private customers via two websites: www.studiekorrektur.dk for students and www.erhvervskorrektur.dk for businesses.

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Diction ApS
Gammeltorv 6, 3. sal
1457 København K
+45 2227 7016
CVR: 35636455
EAN-nr. 5797200081926